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Daily Devotion

Hi everyone!

May June usher in God's blessings and summer joy!

Be blessed and inspired by today’s Bible verse and story.

With love, Rev. Dr. Sandy Seaton-Todd

Bible Verse Psalm 42:11 Why are you cast down, O my soul, and why are you in turmoil within me? Put your hope in God.

Bible Story I Thessalonians 4:11 I Peter 3:15 Always be ready to give a reason for your hope. We grieve but not as those without hope.

George Floyd had hope. He was a person of peace. He was a community leader and elder statesman. His life was changed by Jesus Christ. He lived and shared the gospel wherever he was. He is a Christ figure, pointing to a greater reality. I have hope that God is using Big Floyd's murder by the police to further justice and reconciliation in our world. I recommend that you read more about George Floyd in this Christianity Today article:

I encourage everyone to watch or re-watch the movie 13th. It's on NetFlix.

My Love, Prayers, and Pledge Personally and as Pastor of Church of the Western Reserve, I extend my heart and prayers to my black friends. I love you. The injustices and inequalities in our society are wrong and grieve me.

I extend my sympathy to the family and friends of George Floyd for the wrongful killing of your loved one, and to all whose loved ones have been victims of injustice.

To those who peacefully protest, I extend my respect. It is my prayer that your voices be heard.

To police officers and all on the front lines who serve with dignity and honor, I thank you and pray for your protection.

To police officers and people in power who engage in violence and killing, I pray the forces of justice bear upon you.

To the powerless who engage in violence and destruction, I pray you will stop. As the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. said, "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that."

To people and organizations that have been harmed by violence this week, I am in prayer for and desire to support your rebuilding.

I believe in the dignity and equality of all people.

I desire transformation of our legal institutions to become systems of justice.

I will listen to and support my black friends.

I will use my resources, connections, and platform to move our society in the direction of justice and righteousness.

I ask God to guide me and Church of the Western Reserve in being spirit-filled, Christ-like agents of hope, compassion, justice and reconciliation.


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