Hi everyone! God bless you all! Thank you God for sunshine!
Bible Verses Hebrews 12:1 Let us run with perseverance the race that is set before us.
James 1:12 Blessed are those who persevere under trial because they will receive the crown of life promised by the Lord.
If you ever ran track or did sports, you know that some races are harder than others. Likewise, some days are harder than others. Some seasons of life are harder than others. Life is hard. I've always thought the saying, "No one ever promised us a rose garden," was interesting because God does give us rose gardens, and in fact life is a lot like a rose garden. It is full of beauty for us to appreciate and enjoy. But it is also full of thorns, and it's impossible not to get pricked and feel pain.
The challenge is to manage the thorns while enjoying the roses. Feel the pain but magnify the beauty. Find others who are stuck in the thorns, empathize with them, love them, hear them, help them remove the thorns, and smell the roses together. Roses and thorns are both gifts of God's grace. Let us run with perseverance the race set before us, enjoying the roses, managing the thorns, and helping others do the same in their races.