Hi everyone!
Life is hard. But God is good!
And storms make trees grow deeper roots. If we want the rainbow, we have to endure the rain.
Thank you, Lord, for showers of blessings, rain and rainbows, trees and deep roots. Grow our roots deep, Lord, so we can handle the storms of life.
Be blessed by these verses.
With love, Rev. Dr. Sandy Seaton-Todd
Bible Verses Genesis 22: 8 The Lord will provide.
Isaiah 55:10 Rain and snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater.
God is an awesome God! Sending rain to yield seeds and grow plants and provide food and provide what we need. People are longing for human connection but the deeper we are rooted in God, the more at peace we are alone. Not that we don't love and cherish touch and conversation and human friendship. But truly the more time we spend with God in stillness, or with God in nature, or in God's Word, or gazing upon God's creation, the more at peace we find we are in all situations.
God bless you as you observe nature, seeing the hand of God in every detail, providing and caring for all of creation. May you know God cares for you and will provide whatever it is you need. Often we think we want sun over rain, and blue skies over storms, but what we need is an awareness of God at all times. As Julian of Norwich said, "The fullness of joy is to behold God in everything."